Geckoprojects Jakarta RESTful Web Service Whiteboard implementation goes Eclipse

Last year our Jersey based implementation of the OSGi Jakarta RESTful Web Service Whiteboard had become the default implementation for the latest specification version.

We want to announce the contribution of this project to the OSGi Technology Project. The code is already available in the corresponding Github repository.

Currently we are setting up the build processes at Eclipse and prepare everything to make the first release from inside the OSGi Technology Project.

The OSGi Technology Project is related to the Eclipse OSGi Working Group and is planed to be incubator for default implementations of OSGi specification or maybe other OSGi related stuff. Currently it already hold the projects SLF4J OSGi and a test framework for OSGi and JUnit5 Jupiter OSGi test.

Because we already moved our projects to the new Jakarta namespace, we will currently put no further efforts in updates and bug fixes at Geckoprojects. We will keep the repository open and you can still submit PR’s. Any further development will happen under the Eclipse OSGi Technology project.

As soon as the first release from the Eclipse Project is available, we will inform you.


by Mark Hoffmann